We know that vitamin C is good for us. So, many people take high doses of this important nutrient to maximize its benefits. But there’s a problem: there’s only so much vitamin C that your body can absorb and use at one time. If you take a high-dose vitamin C supplement, some or much of it may be going to waste, literally: your body will simply flush out what it can’t use right away.
To optimize vitamin C, protect it
Our Vitamin C 24-Hour Liposomal Hydrogel™ Formula gives your body more than 24 hours to make use of this essential nutrient. To accomplish this, we’ve combined 350 mg of vitamin C with an innovative liposomal delivery system: a lipid sphere made from sunflower oil that supports absorption. Then, this liposomal vitamin C is infused into a hydrogel made of galactomannan fibers from fenugreek seeds. The liposomal coating and galactomannan fibers allow vitamin C to be absorbed over a prolonged period.
24-hour health benefits
Because your body has time to absorb our liposomal vitamin C at a steady rate, your system always has vitamin C on hand—for up to 24 hours! This results in 7 times greater total plasma levels than a standard vitamin C supplement. This means your body will enjoy the benefits of vitamin C all day long.
Vitamin C and your health
Immune health Vitamin C has a well-deserved reputation for immune support: it helps encourage a healthy immune response, so you can have more days feeling your best.
Cardiovascular health When we think about vitamin C, odds are we don’t consider it for heart health—but maybe we should. Several clinical studies show that vitamin C helps promote healthy circulation, encouraging everything from healthy arterial blood flow to improved blood vessel dilation.
Respiratory health Vitamin C also supports healthy lung function. In one clinical study, daily vitamin C intake encouraged breathing quality after exercise. In another, vitamin C helped maintain healthy breathing when experiencing an immune response to a respiratory challenge.
Skin & cellular health Vitamin C can help scavenge free radicals, which can take their toll on the appearance and overall health of your skin. Daily vitamin C intake encouraged free radical scavenging in the skin—in fact, the benefits were dose-dependent…so the more vitamin C you absorb, the better!
Vitamin C has also been shown in pre-clinical studies to encourage the production of collagen: one of the primary building blocks of your skin, tendons, and more. As you can see, there’s plenty of good reasons to take a daily vitamin C supplement. And if you’re going to do so, take Vitamin C 24-Hour Liposomal Hydrogel™—the best way to maximize your vitamin C!
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