Why Xlear with Xylitol?
Who Should Use Xlear?
Xlear Sinus Rinse
The Xlear Sinus Rinse box contains a uniquely designed squeeze bottle that can be used for Positive Pressure Rinsing of the nasal passages. (Instructions and helpful information included.)
The Xlear Story
The Xlear Sinus Care System was first introduced in 2000 and has since become the most popular xylitol based sinus care system that is recommended by physicians, ENT's and healthcare professionals worldwide. The nose and sinuses are designed to act as filters and they form the first line of defense against airborne contaminants, pollen, dust and other irritants. Nasal and sinus cleansing have been used for millennia. The Xlear Sinus Care System combines the wisdom of the past with modern research on the amazing benefits of xylitol.
Why Xylitol?
Research has shown that xylitol has amazing health benefits-especially in cleansing the sinuses and upper respiratory passageways. Common saline solutions can sometimes cause additional irritation when used for nasal cleansing, but adding xylitol is more effective and longer-lasting, all while moisturizing and soothing irritated nasal passages and sinuses.
The Xlear Solution
The six packets of Xlear Sinus Care Solution combine pharmaceutical grade xylitol with the traditional nasal and sinus cleansers of pure Celtic Sea Salt and sodium bicarbonate (as a natural buffer).
Не является лекарственным средством
Другие Ингредиенты
Xlear sinus care solution ingredients: xylitol - 4,000 mg, celtic sea salt 1,500 mg, sodium bicarbonate 500 mg.
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